James 1:27
"Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world."
The MiTio Foundation is dedicated to providing a secure and nurturing environment for modern-day orphans and foster children, ensuring they have access to the support and stability they need to thrive. We are committed to addressing the challenges of affordable housing by offering innovative rent-to-own apartment solutions and 3D-printed developments, empowering families and individuals to achieve homeownership and build brighter futures. Through compassion, innovation, and community partnerships, we strive to break the cycle of insecurity and create lasting opportunities for those most in need.

While adoptions through the Foster Care system are much more affordable in that the state covers the legal costs, that is where the assistance ends. Adoptive parents still have many other financial burdens, much more than that of a first time parent. Not only do they have to purchase new clothing, oftentimes for children right smack in the middle of a growth spurt; obtain health services for children with special needs or neglected health; obtain mental health services for children with complex trauma or developmental issues; obtain educational supports for children with educational gaps and learning disabilities, to name a few. And that’s just for the “normal kids.”
Because the expenses can be vast, taxiing, and come at you like a hammer, with no time for a breather. Many adoptive families find themselves wondering if the expense of adopting a child from birth would have been better. While there are definite financial burdens to adopting from the Foster Care system, I want to encourage you that there are many agencies such as Ebony Adoptions Fund that will assist you in your journey.
The MiTio Foundation Grant Allocations:
Education 50%
Healthcare 30%
Translating/Interpreting 20%

“Everything that is done in the world is done by hope”
Martin Luther
The MiTio Foundation also Supports at Risk Pregnant Women
289 Jonesboro Rd.
#416 McDonough, GA 30253
Email Us: foundation@mitio.helpscoutapp.com
Phone: 706-642-0722