Whitepaper, Book and Coin

Concrete Build
The main purpose of the coin is to support the development, purchase, and financing of commercial real estate, 3D-printed homes using concrete, and rent-to-own homeownership. It would be used as:
Funding vehicle: Individuals and investors can fund 3D printing home projects directly.
Incentive system: Builders, suppliers, and homeowners earn rewards for using eco-friendly, innovative construction technologies.
Transaction tool: It facilitates payments and ensures transparency in transactions, material sourcing, and project management.
Tokenization of Property and Projects: Real estate projects can be tokenized, allowing fractional ownership or investment. This would democratize access to investments in housing projects.
Investment and Crowdfunding: Users can buy the coin to invest in housing projects. They can own fractional shares of homes or entire developments.
Payments: Builders and contractors can accept payments through this crypto, Streamlining international transactions and reducing the need for intermediaries. Homeowners can pay rents and mortgages using this Crypto, enhancing the coins adoption.
Governance: Coin holders may have voting rights to influence key decisions, such as what types of projects get funded or which geographic regions to prioritize.

3D Printed Homes
Concrete Build will raise the initial funds for the development of the cryptocurrency and partnerships with 3D printing companies. Concrete Build will use the funds raised through the ICO to fund development of 3D printed homes to sell with rent-to-own model for affordability. Individuals and investors can fund 3D printing home projects directly.
Apartment Buildings
Concrete Build will use the funds raised for purchasing large apartment buildings in metro areas. Real estate projects can be tokenized, allowing fractional ownership or investment. This would democratize access to investments in housing projects. Homeowners can pay rents and mortgages using this Crypto, enhancing the coins adoption.

3D Printing Machines
Concrete Build will purchase initially the 3D printed machines from partners. Concrete Build will in the future manufacture its own 3D printed machines. Suppliers earn rewards for using eco-friendly, innovative construction technologies.
Concrete and Alternative Materials
Concrete Build will initially purchase concrete material for the 3D printers from suppliers. Concrete Build will then pivot to manufacturing our own materials from concrete and/or alternatives. Builders and contractors can accept payments through this crypto, Streamlining international transactions and reducing the need for intermediaries.